Robotstudio tutorial getting started 1
Robotstudio tutorial getting started 1

Our programs are clear, to-the-point, expertly designed and delivered by roboticists who have accomplished their masters from eminent educational institutions. The course curriculums are in line with 23 legendary universities across the globe and industry insights with our superlative industry connect.

robotstudio tutorial getting started 1

These intricately designed programs are preparing our students to compete with the best in the world of Robotics and Automation. Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science – deploying the “Real-time” Robots, Equipment and most recent Software. Prag has established RoboLab–4.0 in Universities, Colleges and Schools, delivering educational programs in the emerging technologies viz. Prag Robotics is a “Centre of Excellence” for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence studies, has very quickly established a mark in manufacturing & academic circles. This course will be the genesis of Virtual Commissioning using ABB Robot Studio. Robot simulation answers many questions that rise during this transition from traditional process to robotics process. Demand”, “Cutting edge process for higher efficiency & superior accuracy” have made engineers also turn towards industrial robots. In this age of automation, as process automation experts, we have observed the importance of industrial robots in various industries and the challenges such “High supply vs.

robotstudio tutorial getting started 1

The complexity of simulation further increases when the process demands higher efficiency.

robotstudio tutorial getting started 1

A simulation engineer must imagine the entire process of operations and build a virtual world that imitates the actual scenario. Building simulations is a lucrative and yet a challenging skill where imagination plays a paramount role. This course has been designed to equip the engineers with “Simulation Skill. Interested in building real time industrial robot applications, then this course is for you.!!!

Robotstudio tutorial getting started 1